1. Accept rules
  2. Your details
  3. Confirm email
  4. Our review

Some ground rules.

These are set and enforced by the earth.law moderators.

  1. Respect and courtesy: all members are expected to treat each other with respect and courtesy. Harassment, bullying, or hateful language will not be tolerated.
  2. No Illegal Content: Sharing or promoting illegal content is strictly prohibited.
  3. No spam: do not post spam or irrelevant content. Keep your posts relevant to environmental law and related public interest issues.
  4. Safe for Work Content: Keep all content safe for work. No explicit, sexual, or violent content is allowed.
  5. Privacy: respect the privacy of others. Do not share or post another person's private information without their explicit consent.
  6. No Bots: Automated posting or interaction bots are not allowed unless approved by an admin.
  7. Content Warning: Use the content warning feature for sensitive topics.
  8. Report Violations: If you see a violation of these rules, report it to the administrators.
  9. Admin Decisions: Administrators have the final say in interpreting and enforcing these rules.